林帆偉 靜物二--109x96cm 紙本、綜合媒材 林帆偉 Fan-wei, Lin 1983 生於台中 2006 台北藝術大學畢業 2008 台南藝術大學古物修復所肄業 2008 獲得澳門藝術博物館〈華人抽象繪畫大獎〉 1983 Born in Taichung city, Taiwan 2006 Graduated from Department of Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts 2008 Studied in Graduate Institute of Conservation of Cultural Relics, Tainan National University of the Arts 2008 Received Macao Museum of Art Excellent Abstract Painting Award ( 得獎作品 ) Size:20 0 × 270 cm 紙本水墨 . 粉彩 2007 聯展紀錄: 2008 一月〈超以象外〉,澳門藝術博物館,澳門 2008 三月〈 G&G 〉,索卡藝術中心,台南 2010 七月〈趁熱畫〉 Z 書房,台中 個展紀錄: 2009 六月 〈林帆偉個展——差異城市〉,關渡美術館,台北 Joint exhibition records: 2008 <Beyond the Surface>, Macao Museum of Art , Macao 2008 <G&G>, Soka Gallery, Tainan , Taiwan 2010< CHEN-RE-HUA>, Z space, Taichung 2009 <Cities of differences>, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts 創作自述 繪畫面貌非因藝術同情而生,超越形式主義與理性範疇,才能到...