跨域藝術家:澳門-João Jorge Magalhães簡歷

João Manuel de Melo Jorge de Magalhães

SAH, 馬玉安 (Joao Manuel de Melo Jorge de Magalhaes)

2007年《澳門每日時報》創刊開始,馬玉安便一直擔任設計編輯員。亦曾於雜誌《Inside Gaming》、報刊《句號報》、雜誌”RevistaMacaU/MacaU Magazine”、書本《ProducoesFarol da Guia》和《EditoraLivros do Oriente》擔任平面設計師。

1992年至1999年期間,他是《澳門雜誌》第二系列(雙語版)CD-R的製作人。他亦為JoaoAguiar於《句號報》每週刊登的小說集“O Tigre Sentado” 設計插圖,並於2004年憑以上作品出版書籍。馬玉安的作品亦常於不同的雜誌及報紙上刊登。



2013年,他參加了在牛房倉庫舉行的自由行不行 –– 當代藝術作品展和參加了在澳門葡人之家舉行的“2012藝術無國界會員展

João Manuel de Melo Jorge de Magalhães
Born in 1975 , Lisbon, Portugal

Academic Qualification:
Graduation in Web & Communications Design, by the Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa (FBAUL) - University of Lisbon, Portugal

Video/ movie/ advertising production:
- Participation in the Travel Channel Show Antony Bourdain “No Reservation” Macau (2011)
- Participation in the “Lomomanjerico” show. Mostra Lomolisboa (2003)
- Illustrations for “Festa do Leite – Portugal Telecom” (2001)
- Decorative panel for Vodafone Portugal
- Exclusive production of illustrations & Animation (and also as figurant), in the short movie “LX2100” by movie producer Edgar Pêra for the ‘Festas de Lisboa’
- Co-participation in the short-movie ‘Sete Vidas a Metro’.
  Mostra de Vídeo on the Videoteca de Lisboa ‘99
- Assistant/helper for the “Big Brother 3” reality show on Portuguese channel TVI
- Collaboration (Macau Stand) in Feira do Livro de Lisboa (Lisbon Book Fair) 2000 and 2001
- Illustrations for the 75th Lisbon Book Fair (2005)
- Layout design of travel magazine “Fanzine 7 polegadas”, issue n. 7
- Web Illustrations for the site  HYPERLINK "http://www.Alice.pt" www.Alice.pt
- Participation (as assistant) in the TV documentary “O Exílio Dourado” (the Golden Exile)
  by Produções Farol da Guia, Macau (1995).

- “POP IN “ Solo Exhibiton    Albergue SCM 2012, Macau 
-   Colective Exhibition “Green Fingers”, Albergue SCM (2011)
- “Mobility & Memory” Exhibts from Macao China in the 54rd Venice Biennale, Venice Italy (2011)
Installation/Sculpture “Living-mirrow” , Mafalda Botelho e João Magalhães
- “Mobility & Memory” - Proposal for Macau in the 54rd Venice Biennale, Centro Cultural de Macau (2011)
Installation/Sculpture “Living-mirrow” , Mafalda Botelho e João Magalhães
-    Collective Charaty Exhibition by Macau Artists
      “Macau for Haiti+Qinghai”, Albergue SCM (2010)
-     Benefit Auction Dinner Exhibition,  “Dining in the Dark”, IFT (2010)
-     Exhibition "Traditional and Creative Rabbit Lantern", Albergue SCM (2010)
-    "Urban sustainability", group exhibition, Casa Garden Gallerie (2009)
      Installation - "3 colors that sustain"
-    Utopia, group exhibition, Ox Warehouse (2009)
      Installation - "Mirrow"
-     Divergência- Proposal for Macau in the 53rd Venice Biennale,
      Centro Cultural de Macau (2009)
      Installation /Sculpture  "1 Tonelada de Luxúria", Mafalda Botelho e João Magalhães
-     group exhibition, Borderless Art (2008)
      Printing Painting - "06:45"
-    It's a head scratch, isn't it?, group exhibition, Macau Creative (2006)
     Printing CD cover label - "Living Twice"



廖堉安 展覽經歷

