《演化論》溫岳彬雕塑創作個展 2016年10月28日~12月10日
“ Evolution ” Wen, Yueh-Bing solo exhibition
展期:2016年7月8日~2016年8月20日 | 開幕:2016年7月15日 週五16:00~19:00
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溫岳彬畢業於義大利卡拉拉藝術學院雕刻系,他因為愛上卡拉拉這城市而在義大利居住了15年,期間他曾為Nicola Bertoux、Robertfo Santo Peak等雕塑家之助手。2012年返台居後,延續他在義大利時所深染的創作精神,本次溫岳彬所展出的主題為《演化論》讓作品在任何角度都能讓人有不同的想像空間,在製作的時會以多種的元素融合在一起的創作。
開幕茶會:2016年10月28日 星期五 下午四點至七點
地點:當代一畫廊 台北市信義路三段147巷36弄22號 (近仁愛路/芙蓉大樓正後方)
至 週六10 : 00 – 18 : 00 週日公休
is a three-dimensional artistic creation. In order for people to have different
visualization from different angles, the production process consists of two or
more elements from concepts of different angles mixing together. In 1997, I
came to Italy, a country of art, and lived there for 15 years. Call it fate or
karma, I arrived a small town called Carrara under the Alps. It is a
world-famous place for being rich in marble. Many of the historic master
artists have sought creative inspirations there. I remember upon getting off
the train, the first thing I saw was this white head of towering mountains. I
initially thought it was snow that covered the mountains but discovered they
were exposed marble veins due to the excavation of the white marble. I fell
deeply in love with the place from that moment on; silently made a promise to
myself that I will be using beautiful Carrara marble in my sculptures.
The three
series of creation are based on humans as the starting point, combining people
and the simple things surrounding them to interpret the meaning of life. During
my creative process, I prefer to think about the forms of each different series
while holding my chisel, slowly releasing the soul of the stone as if I’m dialoguing with different people simultaneously. All of these
three series of sculptures were created after moving back to Taiwan. The pillow
series, seashell series, and the seed series are all easily obtained and
readily available elements that I aspired to integrate with the human body.
With the human as the main focus, my creative starting point is by using other
elements to draw out the sculptures’ deep connotations.
Being able to preserve simple thoughts has always been the core of my
creations. When a creative thought emerges in my head, not letting other
thoughts interfere, is rather crucial in avoiding a potential abundance of
GALLEY No.22, Aly. 36, Ln. 147, Sec. 3, Xinyi Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei
City 106, Taiwan (02)2702-3327
Hours : From Monday to Saturday, 10:00 a.m ~6:00 p.m | Closed : Sunday