Daniel Wong 介紹
“帶出你內心的狂野”Daniel Wong 出生於加拿大,在蘇格蘭愛丁堡成長,自小對於繪畫及藝術即有出色的展現,於elementary school 時期的創作即獲得 Merchiston Castle School 收藏,在學習的過程中,除了專研西洋藝術史同步也學習了中國水墨畫,其中受到美國原住民藝術家 — 弗里茨·斯卡德(Fritz Scholder)的啟發而影響其獨特的創作模式,他大膽的想法,更展現在他日後狂野的藝術風格,將自信與優雅帶入強烈細緻的視覺之中,每次作品的呈現總是令人驚艷! Daniel Wong 堅信藝術的呈現可以有許多形式,一直以來熱愛時尚的他將其藝術養成以創作印花的模式展現在各種時尚單品,而此次的創作是運用時尚模式轉換回其自身的繪畫基底讓大家用另一形式感受其藝術作品對於 Daniel Wong 而言,這次的創作展出不是「重新」,而是回到他對於「藝術」的初衷,無論以何種形式,依然傳達 著Daniel Wong 品牌的「狂野」精神。-Daniel Wong 的童年在蘇格蘭度過,而後旅居於香港、台灣、倫敦及米蘭。Daniel Wong 深邃的輪廓來自於他的混血血統,曾效力於 Alexander Mcqueen 並且在 Versace 擔任首席視覺設計師。
“Bring your Inner Wildness Out” - Daniel Wong
Experiencing the World in different cultures, Daniel’s path has led to his bold, striking visuals on delicate mediums that instills confidence and elegance. Born in Canada, having lived in Scotland, Hong Kong, London, Milan and now based in Taiwan, his multicultural influence brings together a distinctive style that is fantastical and fun.
Fascinated by color and obsessed with crafting with his hands, Daniel Wong’s childhood was a mess, a beautiful mess filled with paint on walls, ink on furniture and battle scars made from pastels. He embraced his inner wildness at a young age and set it free in the form of artistic expression.
Guided by (his) nature, he joined Alexander McQueen and Versace working on Mens, Womens and Haute Couture spanning over 10 collections. Harnessing his “Wild Art” with well taught and learned design theories, pattern making and fabric knowledge Daniel Wong shares his signature pattern prints that communicates impactful imagery inspired by the explorers of the past and discovery of the future.